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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Chaas ( Healthy Yogurt Drink )

Chaas (Yogurt Drink)

(Yogurt Based Indian Drink)



   Chaas is a very healthy drink that can help and prevent many ailments that we might suffer from.  In india its become such a staple drink after dinner or during the day, that I over looked all the health benefits from drinking it. Its just part of our lifestyle. Indian cuisine has long been known for its health benefits. Mostly everything, that we eat, has a reason for it, based on region, climate and Ayurvedic health for the body itself. 

Yogurt contains live-active cultures of these friendly bacteria can help to prevent and treat a wide variety of ailments. Too much use of antibotics destroys the healthy bacteria needed to fight infections and Yogurt replaces them back.  Yogurt assists in digestive, and urinary health. It also known for cooling down internal body heat according to ayurvedic research.  Too much internal body heat can cause rashes and can bring about damage to his/her internal organs leading to poor health, fitness and excessive sweating.  

By eating pro biotic-rich foods and maintaining good intestinal flora, a person can also help to maintain a healthy immune system

This simple recipe does the body a lot of good.

Its made from yogurt (probiotic  live active cultures ) and mixed with water.  Additional condiments are added which all have benefits for us.  

 Water is added to make it like a thin smoothie

Cumin seeds are dry roasted and crushed.  Cumin seeds, whose scientific name is Cuminum cyminum, are an excellent source of iron, a mineral that plays many vital roles in the body. Iron is an integral component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to body cells, and is also part of key enzyme systems for energy production and metabolism and also aids in digestive health as does yogurt.  

Green chiles are chopped fine.  Green chili has a large amount of dietary fiber. Fiber can prevent constipation and help maintain a healthy weight as well as promote digestive health, particularly in the intestines.  It also has Vitamin C. 


Cilantro is finely chopped.  Cilantro has too many benefits to list.   its aids in digestive tract health, removes toxins, metals from our systems. detoxifies our bodies, helps with urinary health, and its an all over digestive aid.  Its known for its natural cleansing properties.


1 cup yogurt

3 cups water

1 tea  Cumin seeds dry roasted ( stop roasting when the spice becomes fragrant) and crushed with a mortar and pestle or a spice grinder can be used.

2 Green chilies  finely chopped ( Asian kind or ones bought at a indian store. ) They are small long and thin. more can be added but they packed enough heat as it is.  For people who are intolerant of spice, just reduce it to 1 green chili . ( may also be deseeded as per individual preference.

2 Tbs Cilantro finely chopped.

Salt as per taste.  1 - 1 1/2  teaspoons should suffice



put all the ingredients in a blender and blend it for a 10 sec on medium speed. It blends very easily.  Voila, thats it.  Very simple, healthy and a great summer drink to cool you down.

Enjoy !

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