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Friday, May 9, 2014

Young Green Garlic and Its Health Benefits

 Young Green Garlic

 Just picked from my garden today.  Fresh Green Garlic yet to harden in its shells. I love chopping them up like chives. you can use the stems like the Green onions too.

The flavor of green garlic is still garlicky, but is much more mild with less of a bitter bite. When cooked, the green garlic sweetens, lending a new layer of depth to a dish.
It’s fine to use green garlic any way you’d normally use garlic cloves, though you can use much more if you like, and reduce the cooking time, since the fresh bulbs are more delicate than cloves.
Green garlic carries the same health benefits as regular garlic.  All vampires aside, garlic can contribute to keeping many a condition at bay: cancer, heart disease, hypertension, infection and even impotence.
Green garlic is a good source of Calcium, Phosphorous, and Selenium, and a very good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese.

They can be found at any local Farmers Market.  I love using them in my soups.
Another Healthy Tip for the day

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