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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Spicy Bok Choy with Cashews

Spicy Bok Choy

This is quick and easy Bok Choy dish to serve as a side dish with any Asian Dish.  I absolutely love it.  Especilly when i char them a little.  Great Flavor....


3 Tbs Soy Sauce or Tamari ( Lower sodium content)

2 Tbs or more Asian Chili Garlic paste ( Available  at most grocery stores ) its very common.

3 Tbs Rice Vinegar

1 Tbs Sugar

2 Tbs Finely chopped garlic. 

Six heads of Baby Bok Choy cut lengthwise. 

2 Tbs Oi  ( Sesame oil Asian kind or olive oil ) 

2 Tablespoons crushed cashew nuts roasted. No oil is necessary, I just dry roast them.


Mix the Soy Sauce, Chili paste, Vinegar, Sugar and Garlic and a little Oil in a small bowl.   On a flat plate place the Bok Choy Cut side up side by side.  Pour the sauce over the Bok Choy  and let it marinate for about 15 minutes or more.  

Heating either a Plancha, or a Cast iron Pan or Grill,  place the Bok.  I bought this plancha from William Sonoma,  I just absolutely love it.  its does everything and many different items at the same time.  I Even put this Plancha on my outdoor grills.  

Heat the oil in the  Pan or whatever device you are using. Or brush the grill grates with oil and place the Bok  choy Cut side down and  let it cook. Any leftover sauce can be drizzled over the Bok Choy at this time.  Turn them in a few minutes with tongs as soon as you see the ends starting to char.  and cook them on the other side. 

I personally like them charred but everyone taste is different.   Once done to your liking arrange on a plate and sprinkle the roasted Cashew Nuts over the Bok Choy

Enjoy. :)

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